Companies Act/Stock Exchanges
- Compliance Certificate for companies not required to employ a whole-time secretary and having paid-up share capital of Rs. 10 Lakhs or more.
- Making a verified declaration of compliances for obtaining a certificate of commencement of business/commencement of other business.
- Making the statutory declaration that all requirements of the Companies Act and the rules there under have been complied with in respect of registration of a company and matters precedent and incidental thereto.
- Give declaration in respect of Section 25 companies that the Memorandum and Articles of Association have been drawn up in conformity with the provisions of the Act and compliance of provisions with respect to registration or matters incidental thereto.
- Signing of Annual Return of listed companies.
- Certificate regarding dispatch of certificate after transfer etc. under clause 47(C) of the Listing Agreement.
- Certification of statement of amounts credited to Investor Education and Protection Fund.
- Certificate regarding compliance with Private Limited Company and Unlisted Public Limited Company (Buy-back of Securities) Rules, 1999 including those relating to extinguishment and destruction of certificates which has to be done in the presence of a Practicing Company Secretary.
- Certificate on appointment of Managing Director/Whole-time Director/Manager under Schedule XIII.
- Certification to listed companies to the effect that all refund orders/ certificates issued were dispatched within prescribed time and manner and securities were listed on the stock exchanges as specified in the offer document.
Export-Import Policy:
Various certificates under the Export-Import Policy and Procedures.
Foreign Exchange Management Act:
Various Certificates for exchange control purposes under FEMA.